Anything can Happen Child, ANYTHING can be...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Children's Mercy Round II

Nicolette had her first post op check up on Tuesday. There were several concerns. A 5-hour appointment and multiple ultrasounds later, it was discovered that her valve on her shunt had stopped working and the pressure in her head was higher than it had been prior to surgery. There was also free floating fluid in her stomach that suggested she wasn't absorbing her CSF.  After some discussion, it was decided that it was time to go back to surgery.

After waiting four hours for a room and comforting a very grumpy, very hungry baby, Nicolette went into surgery for three hours. Her valve was replaced, her shunt put back into her body (amazing news-we were scared they would have to externalize it), and her fluid sent to the lab (it was colored which was concerning). Her breathing before and during surgery was shallow and abnormal. Because of this, the team decided to send her to PICU to monitor her overnight. We are hoping to go home Friday.

We got to visit her after surgery. She was all smiles and high as a kite. Still cute as a button though! Her strength amazes us every day. What a fighter! What a trooper!!! Did I mention she is adorable?!

And she rocked KU colors all the way home a week later.

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